Free New Zealand Classifieds and Business Reviews

( myDBzone is a newly created business review website that allows you to review any type of business that you come across in your area. This Free New Zealand Classifieds and Business Reviews website gives you the opportunity to write about not only those businesses that have fascinated and impressed you but also about the ones which have left a bitter taste in your mouth. The endeavor of this New Zealand classifieds website is to open a channel of communication where local businesses get talked about. Whether a business gets rave reviews or gets criticized is completely immaterial. What matters is that they get their deserving publicity.

The website has other features such as free New Zealand classifieds ads section where you can post ads, search for a new home in your locality, look for new job openings or even trade in items. There are others things that you can search for apart from New Zealand business reviews. The categories available for search are: accommodation, automotive, education and training, entertainment, food and drinks, shopping, travel and tourism and many others.

MyDBzone, the Free New Zealand Classifieds and Business Reviews website, has sections such as Event pages where information about forthcoming events can be posted or can be searched for. The site allows you to invite friends to post and search reviews about events taking place in their neighborhood. You can even chat with friends and exchange messages from this New Zealand networking site through their Facebook connections.

myDBzone is a 100 percent New Zealand owned and operated review website which is driven entirely by the reviews posted by consumers. Anyone can become a member of the site. All you have to do is create a profile by using a valid email address and a password to gain access to your page. There are no membership charges. The site also allows business owners to reply to consumer reviews and dispel doubts about their products and services that consumers might have inadvertently developed about their company. They have the huge advantage of conversing directly with consumers through this unique communication channel that the website offers.

The reviews that appear on this Free New Zealand Classifieds and Business Reviews website are listed in reverse chronological order. The most recent and fresh ones are always listed on the top. The order of the reviews cannot be manipulated by any individual or business owner nor can they be removed from the listings. This provides the consumers access to the latest information about a business, and about their positive points and drawbacks.

Consumers must also note the fact that the website has zero-tolerance for foul or reproachful language used for reviewing businesses. They fully acknowledge the possibility of the site being used by competitors to post comments with spiteful intent. Such comments are filtered and replaced immediately.

Visit, the Free New Zealand Classifieds and Business Reviews website for detailed information or to register as a member and post reviews and comments on local businesses.

Media Release 11 November 2010 from DB Corporation Limited.