Albie Merani Book One Project

( Albie Merani Book One project on BoostedNZ is now live. If you’re into science-fiction, crime and thriller novels – you’re going to love Albie Merani and The Deathly Tempest!

But before it can be published, Geri (Rw Rivers) needs to raise funds for the manuscript to be assessed by a Development Editor.

Have to say traditional publishers are a bunch of idiots, since they fired their development editors they have lost market share. If I ever raise funds to get my book edited by a local development editor a developmental editor has recently edited the prologue in Albie Merani and The Deathly Tempest! Please feel free to read it on Wattpad.

Anyway after my book has been fully edited, I reckon it could end up becoming an international bestseller. You See!

Media Release by ScorpiGem Limited on 14 May 2013

Media Contact
Geri Townsley, ScorpiGem Limited
Phone: +64 6 356 4193