247Moneybox, Pioneering new marketing strategies

(PR.co.nz) 247Moneybox, the cash loan company, is no stranger to technology and adapting its marketing strategies to the latest innovation in social media and marketing. The firm has always emphasised a lean and agile strategy, which can adopt the latest trend or social media facility with ease. “Most of our customers use social media on a daily basis and so it is important for us to be able to keep up with them” says the firm’s COO Mark Hannay.

The firm has tended to avoid the more traditional marketing outlets. “Billboards, adverts in papers and on T.V. just often aren’t suitable for people looking for a cash loan. People today don’t respond to these media”, says Hannay. The traditional outlets are often expensive and the firm prefers the more creative outlets which gives it the chance to be innovative and attract customers through skill, rather than bombarding consumers with logos or blanket adverts in papers, T.V. and bill boards.

Online social media marketing also has a unique aspect as it allows the cash loans firm to market to specific segments of their market in a much more accurate way than through other marketing strategies. Instead of advertising in a newspaper which generally has a diverse audience, online marketing strategies allow the firm to find a specific consumer group for a specific product and tailor the advert towards them.
Online social media is also unique in that it can give feedback on the effectiveness of marketing products. The number of times users click on adverts or certain products for instance cash loans can be measured and used to gauge the relative effectiveness of them.

247Moneybox has worked hard to adopt the social media outlets for its marketing strategies. In particular the firm has used popular social media to keep in contact with its cash loan customers and spread the company’s image. “Access is something which is really important to us here, today with everyone using smart phones and online social media there is no excuse not to be able to respond to customer’s request in an instant, in the same way they contact their friends”, says Hannay. “We encourage our employees to link their social media profiles to the firm to add transparency and respond to any queries left on the company’s profile.

Other firms have used online videos effectively and have their adverts on popular video sharing websites. This is a medium which has really challenged traditional T.V. Marketing as people are more likely to watch their favourite programmes at a time suited to them. Online newspapers have been seen as the cause for the falling circulation of their paper based counter-parts. It seems that the traditional media are slowly becoming redundant.

Media Release on 13 August 2014 by 247Moneybox

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