Bring Images to Life with Fujifilm FinePix Real 3D W3

Capture once in a lifetime moments like never before and bring your images to life with the new Fujifilm FinePix Real 3D W3 digital camera. No longer just the realm of big screen blockbusters, the Finepix W3 utilises unique Fujifilm technology to allow true 3D images, stunning 3D HD movies and direct connection to any 3D TV – bringing a new dimension to family viewing.

Comet SEO a Conversation Starter

Mum always said don’t talk to strangers, but in the age of social media the ability to start or join conversations is increasingly a key strategic advantage for organisations and salespeople. Now a New Zealand cloud software developer, Genesis Interactive, has invented an application that does the awkward bit for you, by trawling through social media websites and dropping ‘pick-up lines’.