New Neonatal Unit (NICU) for Dunedin Hospital
Health Minister Tony Ryall has confirmed that Dunedin Hospital will receive a new Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
Online Press Release Service for New Zealand
Health Minister Tony Ryall has confirmed that Dunedin Hospital will receive a new Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
The Government will financially support the Great Wines Capital Global Network AGM and international wine conference in Christchurch from 31 October to 4 November 2010.
A whaling petition calling on the Government to protect the future of whales has been signed by 53,000 New Zealanders.
The Government has made funding available for the rollout of audio visual links for court proceedings.
The Journal website is an online self-management programme for New Zealanders experiencing mild to moderate depression.
The 10th Cadbury Chocolate Carnival 2010 will be held in Dunedin with chocolate classes, competitions, storytelling, food tours, games, arts and craft, and the Cadbury Jaffa Race.
My First Job website has been launched to help young employees understand their rights and responsibilites.
Hamilton Zoo’s white rhino calf will keep his nickname ‘Bunty’.
Funding for PET scans will increase, allowing double the number of cancer patients to be offered PET scans.
Figures show 101 drivers have been charged under the new drugged driving laws, making the new law a success.
The Sentencing and Parole Reform Bill which has been passed by Parliament denies parole to repeat serious violent offenders.
Most local councils are supporting the governments new Leaky Home package.
Prime Minister John Key has refuted Labour Party allegations about his blind trust with legal advice.
New Zealand will make a decision in the next few weeks on whether to file a case in the International Court of Justice against Japanese whaling.
Who said men are a hard-to-reach group? Tangible Media has got direct access to a tribe of 199,000 (to be exact) men and boys engaged in their passion of choice, rugby or fishing – or in some cases both, according to data from the latest readership* release.
Telecom is offering their customers free mobile access to Facebook via their new site.
Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra and Australian conductor Graham Abbott unravel the mysteries of classical music in the Unwrap the Music concert.
Deepwater Fisheries research spending is to be boosted by almost 50 per cent over the next 10 years.
Auckland Zoo is going smokefree, coinciding with World Smokefree Day on Monday, 31 May 2010.
Leading UK-based dyslexia expert Neil MacKay is delivering a new workshop in Queenstown for parents and teachers.