LAQC and QC Budget Changes
LAQC and QC changes in Budget 2010.
Online Press Release Service for New Zealand
New Zealand Press Releases
LAQC and QC changes in Budget 2010.
Working for Families changes in Budget 2010.
Across the board tax cuts and a package of other tax changes will strengthen economic growth and help families get ahead here in New Zealand, Finance Minister Bill English and Revenue Minister Peter Dunne say.
The Government has announced a Leaky Homes Financial Assistance package.
Air New Zealand Update 2 from May 2010 on UK and Europe Flight Disruptions.
Air New Zealand Update 1 from May 2010 on UK and Europe Flight Disruptions.
Sony New Zealand is launching the new VAIO P Series advanced Pocket Style PC in May 2010.
Auckland City Council is increasing funding support for Film Auckland.
SKY TV has secured the rights to cover the FA Cup final between Chelsea and Portsmouth.
Telecom XT customers flying to select international destinations now have access to in-flight mobile services.
Smokefreerockquest 2010 national final will be held at Hamilton’s Founders Theatre on September 11.
Cookie Time is opening a Cookie Bar in Queenstown in May 2010.
Kinzett Terrace carpark, in the Nelson region, has been closed to freedom campers.
Sony NZ is launching ultra-compact, interchangeable lens system digital cameras – the smallest in the world.
Rick Stein, a highly respected chef, is visiting New Zealand this winter 2010 with his theatre show – Rick Stein’s Food Odyssey – in Auckland and Wellington.
The New Zealand Blood Service is launching a blood donation campaign with assistance from publishers and broadcasters of the vampire show True Blood.
Sony is launching new Mini Alkaline batteries without mercury.
Didymo has been found in three more Nelson-Tasman rivers this year.
A draft reserve management plan for Rutherford and Trafalgar Parks has opened for consultation from Nelson residents.
V8 Supercars Australia is to run Hamilton’s ITM400 from next year, with continued sponsorship from the Council.