Market leading SaaS product for business analysts

The BA Kit has officially been re-launched. A Software as a Service (SaaS) product designed specifically for business analysis teams, The BA Kit is a governance framework for managing tasks and assignments, based upon an organisation’s methodology and best practice. The BA Kit is aligned to international business analysis standards and complements an organisation’s existing project management methodology.

New Business Offers Better Website Results

A new service called Personal-Web-Presenter providing video of presenters that ‘float’ over the top of existing website content has just been launched. This captures the attention of viewers and improves the conversion rate of website landing pages. A website does not need a graphic re-design in order to use a Personal-Web-Presenter video. Adding this type of video is simple, cost-effective, and quick. The file sizes are small so content loads quickly and plays seamlessly, even on ‘speed-challenged’ broadband connections.