Street Georges “Next Lockdown (Covid Love Song)”

Avondale based music project “Street Georges” are excited to announce the releasing their Second Single “Next Lockdown (Covid Love Song)” at Auckland’s Portland Public House on Thursday 22 April 2021 with Special Guests Audio Zephyr, Claire Kendall, Ema Barton and La CoCo opening the event pending lockdown levels for Tamaki Makaurau.

World’s first index to monitor media use of AI Journalism technologies

Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF) , a think tank, has launched the Global Artificial Intelligence Journalism Index (GAIJI), the world’s first index designed to measure, track and visualise the performance of media companies using AI journalism technologies in producing, publishing and promoting content.

Jacinda Receives Maker2u Hamper

The 470 small Kiwi businesses who sell their artisan products on have put together a huge Christmas hamper for Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her family to say thank you for all her hard work in 2020