High Tech Youth Target Maori and Pacific Youth for ICT Jobs

High Tech Youth, one of New Zealand’s largest after-school cyber learning programs for young people in underserved communities, has set its sights on filling all currently vacant technology and ICT jobs by 2020. The not-for-profit organisation is bringing together over 70 schools, community groups and leaders from New Zealand’s top technology companies to an Indigenous Innovation Hui at the end of this month in Auckland.

VitaPet Ad Dog Search

Trick4Treats is the nationwide search for a clever canine to be cast in a VitaPet Ad. Know a dog who is clever on camera? Find out how to nominate them at www.trick4treats.co.nz.

Stephen King Short Film

The Last Rung of the Ladder is a short story written by Stephen King. It is from his collection of short stories from his night shift collection. Rhys Higgs Student Film Maker, has been granted permission by Stephen King to adapt the short story into film. Rhys Higgs intends to use this film as an opportunity to raise awareness around depression and suicide. Rhys Higgs intends to use the skills he has to put together a team of talented young people to make this vision come to life through his Kickstarter Campaign.

Go Anywhere Emergency Alarm

Smart Caller ‘Safe-Life Pendant’ Where ever there is 3G coverage in New Zealand, the Safe Life Pendant can put you in contact with someone to help you, or locate you in an emergency.

Whooping Cough NZ Cases Double

Two Starship paediatric specialists are warning Kiwi parents to ensure their children are vaccinated against whooping cough after new figures show New Zealand cases are up by over 108% for the same time last year.

New Email Phishing Scam

Kiwi taxpayers are being warned to watch out for a new email phishing scam which asks them to disclose their personal financial information.

MyTax Wins Service Excellence Award

A rapidly growing Nelson tech firm has been recognised as the country’s leading personal taxation agent, winning a service excellence award in a nationwide survey. Locally owned mytax.co.nz which employs more than 40 Nelson staff is an IRD approved, online tax agent service which helps Kiwis recover outstanding refunds.