Give Way Rules to Change in 2012

The Government has confirmed plans to change the give ways rules at intersections in New Zealand. Currently if you are turning left you have to give way to right turning traffic coming towards you. This change would reverse this so the left turning vehicle would have right of way in this situation. Changes are also planned to the rule for T-intersections.

Christchurch Update (24 September) Following Earthquake

The Christchurch City Council, alongside other agencies, continues to work on the recovery phase following the 4 September earthquake. This is focused on the key areas of infrastructure, welfare, buildings, natural environment, business and rural issues. The Council has been in direct contact with those worst affected as well as keeping the community informed through paid advertising, public meetings, website updates, leaflet and letter drops, house and business visits.

Comet SEO a Conversation Starter

Mum always said don’t talk to strangers, but in the age of social media the ability to start or join conversations is increasingly a key strategic advantage for organisations and salespeople. Now a New Zealand cloud software developer, Genesis Interactive, has invented an application that does the awkward bit for you, by trawling through social media websites and dropping ‘pick-up lines’.