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Online Press Release Service for New Zealand
New Zealand Press Releases
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New snow has falllen at The Remarkables in Queenstown.
Snow has fallen at Coronet Peak, in Queenstown.
Telecom has confirmed that it intends to participate in the Government’s Ultra Fast Broadband (UFB) initiative.
Police Minister Judith Collins has praised the success of Crimestoppers.
A GST Advisory Panel has been established to help businesses and the Government implement the GST increase in Budget 2010.
TIA says the GST increases will be challenging for tourism operators who have set their prices up to 2012.
Department of Conservation will develope cycleways and campgrounds, with the funding coming from within Vote Conservation’s $424 million in Budget 2010.
Operating funding has been provided for the Pacific Economic Development Agency in Budget 2010.
Substantial infrastructure funding has been confirmed in Budget 2010.
Increases in support for research, science and technology in Budget 2010.
With Secured Signing Telecom customers have the ability to digitally sign documents online. Signing documents online, now available for Telecom Business Hub customers.
Air NZ wins the Best Airline award at the 2010 Which? Awards.
The first snow dump has arrived for the 2010 ski season.
Telecom New Zealand has announced the resignation of CFO, Russ Houlden.
Foreign Minister Murray McCully is gravely concerned over the findings that link North Korea to the sinking of a South Korean naval vessel, ROKS Cheonan.
Increases to New Zealand Superannuation and Veterans Pension in Budget 2010.
Personal tax cuts in Budget 2010.
Depreciation Loading changes in Budget 2010.
GST changes and compensation in Budget 2010.