New SEO Training Courses Prove A Big Hit

Clickthrough recently introduced in-person SEO training courses for New Zealand companies. The programs are designed to cater for the surge in market demand for SEO training. The courses cover best practice search engine optimization and include follow-up training.

Wellington Bus Fare Freeze

Wellington residents will welcome the Regional Council’s proposal to freeze bus fares for another year and the promise of a comprehensive package of improvements and initiatives to come in the near future, says Mayor Justin Lester.

Hamilton Locals Opportunity to Perform in China

Hamilton City Council is calling on local groups of dancers, singers and musicians, to perform on a global stage – as part of the Chengdu International Sister Cities Youth Music Festival in China. The festival, from 26 July to 1 August, aims to promote cultural and art exchanges between Chengdu and its sister cities. Hamilton became a sister city with Chengdu in 2015 after signing a memorandum of understanding in 2014.

Capital in the 21st Century as a Film

The international bestseller (over 3 million copies sold worldwide) Capital in the 21st Century written by Thomas Piketty will be given a big screen adaptation as Matthew Metcalfe of General Film Corporation and Yann Le Prado of Upside today announce the project has entered into production.

Lexus Jumping Spectacular

Karaka Spectacular has partnered with the luxury car manufacturer to bring spectators the 2017 Lexus Jumping Spectacular, showcasing some of New Zealand’s finest equestrian talent and three days of coveted entertainment. The event will be held in the picturesque Willow Park polo field overlooking the Manukau Harbour, combining wine, food, fashion and equestrian at its finest.