Attitudes to disability need to change

Disabled people still experience serious barriers that prevent them from fully participating in society and feeling accepted, according to two new reports. Based on interviews with disabled people, the reports share examples where people feel their human rights have not been respected. As well as sharing their experiences, the disabled people interviewed called for a change in attitudes to disability, greater awareness throughout society and a more accessible New Zealand for all.

Tennis elbow clinical trial at the Dunedin School of Medicine, patients and funding wanted

Globally, 3% of the population suffers from a Tennis Elbow (lateral epicondylitis) inflammation. A highly successful experimental device has been recently tested in Germany using a very densed acoustic pressure which loosens both inflammation and scar tissue in only 24 hours. An exclusive clinical trial will be conducted at the Dunedin School of Medicine. For this clinical trial we need both patients who have suffered more than 12 months as well as funding.

Auckland Suicide Awareness Carnival

Native American Lakota John has been working in the suicide black-spot area of Kawarau in the Bay of Plenty for three years. He will be a guest speaker, as well as introducing Charitable Trust Nga Hau e Wha (Pukenga) at this weekend’s Suicide Prevention carnival in Auckland.

Better Melanoma Screening Needed

One of the country’s leading skin cancer experts says the lives of hundreds of New Zealanders and millions of dollars could be saved if more at risk Kiwis were screened regularly for melanoma.

Worlds’ First Olympic Games Cricket scoring system developed in New Zealand

Auckland based LED sign company Signopsys Electronic Signs Ltd (Signopsys), a 25 year supplier of Cricket scoring systems and LED screen hardware to ICC Cricket World Cups internationally, has been contracted by Korean IT giant Ssangyong Information and Communications Corporation (SICC) to provide the world’s first Olympic Games Cricket Scoring software system for the Incheon Asian Games beginning next week in Korea.

The Future of Retail is Here

How many customers visited the store(s) today, what times during the day did they visit, what are the busiest times and which products they where most interested in. These are common questions retailer ask every day to improve their profitability and now thousands of future proof retailers around the world are turning to Brickstream 3D retail analytics to answer these questions.

Truck Bling to Shine in Christchurch

The Road Transport Industry on show and open to the public. For one day only.Over 80 trade displays will be showing off the latest in Technology, Supplies, and Services. Outside on the Tarmac new trucks and trailers and over 250 working trucks on show at the show & shine. From the Big Rigs to Vintage trucks. Learn about sharing the road safely when you are on a cycle. Find out about Career Opportunities and Qualifications.Its all happening on one day. All donations go to Ronald McDonald House and Child Cancer Canterbury.