Free Remote Working Help for NZ Businesses

Transformative, a Kiwi-owned digital transformation and technology leader, is offering free support to its colleagues in the New Zealand business community. With the current work-from-home mandate, many business leaders may require support for specific aspects of the remote working model. Transformative has extensive experience in managing a remote workforce and keeping them engaged and productive. They now offer a free one-hour consultation with business leaders to determine specific, actionable steps to enable their remote workforce. Response to COVID-19

In response to the NZ Government Alert System for COVID-19 “Nation Steps Up To COVID-19 Alert Level”, announces to radically reduce prices for their business products to keep the workplace safe and help reduce person-to-person contacts.

Reviewboost Launches

A new marketing platform called Reviewboost has recently launched in New Zealand to help businesses boost their online presence. Reviewboost is an automated system that encourages customers to post reviews on a variety of sites that the business can monitor which will help them increase brand awareness, lift their profile online, generate more clients and improve profitability.

Successful Integration With IRD Digital Transformation

Tandem NZ, a digital solutions company from Christchurch have successfully integrated Inland Revenue’s platform with that of other accounting and payroll agencies online. They employed various technologies to successfully connect with IRD’s Digital Transformation system. The entire project took about 6 months to implement and released to the general public.